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讲座通知 | 美国亚利桑那州立大学杰出校董教授Barry Bozeman: Public Values Leadership
发布时间:2019-06-18 点击次数:5570


美国亚利桑那州立大学杰出校董教授,科研组织与科技政策专家Barry Bozeman博士

6月20日(周四)上午讲座通知:PublicValues Leadership


Barry Bozeman, Arizona Centennial Professor of Science and Technology Policy and Public Management, Arizona State University


Jiannan Wu,Professor, Executive Vice Director, China Institute for Urban Governance, Head, Division for Development of Liberal Arts and Social Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


10:00-11:30, June 20th,2019, Thursday


Room 239, Xinjian Building, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Xuhui Campus (No. 1954Huashan Road)


China Institute for Urban Governance,

School of International andPublic Affairs, 

Shanghai Jiao Tong University




“Public Values Leadership”,based on a recently finished book by Barry Bozeman and Michael Crowtitled Public Values Leadership, the presentation focuses on this question: How is leadership seeking to achieve public values different from leadership to chief traditional organizational values such as profit, government policy mandates, our simple self interest such as rent seeking or side payments? The talk develops a theory of“mutable leadership” and talks about why it is relevant to public values.

Speaker Introduction

Barry Bozeman is Regents'Professor, the Arizona Centennial Professor of Science and Technology Policy and Public Management, and Director of the Center for Organization Research and Design. Previous positions include Regents’Professor and Ander Crenshaw Endowed Chair of Public Policy,University of Georgia; Regents’Professor of Public Policy at Georgia Tech, and Professor of Public Administration, Law and Affiliate Professor of Engineering at Syracuse University. He has hadvisiting appointments at University of Michigan, Columbia University,University of Copenhagen, and Universite Marne-La-Valle (Paris Est).

Bozeman’s research focuseson science and technology policy, public management, organizationtheory and higher education policy. He is the author or co-author of seventeen books, including most recently, Strengthin Numbers: Improving Research Collaboration Effectiveness (Princeton University Press, forthcoming, 2017). His Public Values and Public Interest (Georgetown University Press, 2007) won the American Political Science Association’s Herbert Simon Award for best book published in public administration and public affairs. Bozeman’s books Bureaucracy and Red Tape and All Organizations Are Public (Jossey-Bass, 1987) helped establish new lines of public management research and theory.

Professor Bozeman’s research articles have appeared in every major journal in the fields of science and technology policy, higher education policy, and public policy and public management, as well as in such diverse journals as American Journal of Political Science,IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management, Economics of Education, Organization Studies,American Journal of Public Health, and Managerial and Decision Economics, and Human Relations. His research has been summarized in science publications, such as Nature, Nature Medicine, Science, and Issues in Science and Technology and mass media, including, WallStreet Journal, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Boston Globe, Washington Monthly, Fortune, New York Times, The Economist, Chronicle of Higher Education, andThe Philadelphia Inquirer.

Bozeman's practitioner experience includes visiting positions at the National Science Foundation's Division of Information Technology and a visitingposition at the Science and Technology Agency's (Japan) National Institute of Science and Technology Policy. He is a member of the scientific council of the Institut Francilien Recherche, Innovationet Société (France). Bozeman has served on four US National Academies of Science committees and as a consultant for a number of government agencies in the US, Europe, Australia and New Zealand and South America.

Bozeman is an elected fellow of both the American Association for the Advancement Science and the National Academy of Public Administration. Awards received include the Charles Levine Memorial Award of the American Society for Public Administration and the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration.  Bozeman received the 2013 Public Management Research Association’s H. George Frederickson Award for“lifetime achievement and contributions to public managementresearch.”