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Call for Papers | The 2021 Annual Conference of the AAPA
发布时间:2021-03-25 点击次数:6857

Call for Papers

The 2021 Annual Conference of the

Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA)



In collaboration with the Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service (IPACS) of the Russian Presidential Academy of  National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) and the ASEAN Centre of the MGIMO University (MFA RF) on 7-8 October 2021, RANEPA, Moscow, Russian Federation


Main Conference Theme:

The Future of Public Administration in PostCOVID-19 Period: Addressing Unprecedented Challenges and Seizing New Opportunities


The COVID-19 pandemic has plunged the whole world into a socio-economic and financial crisis of an unprecedented scale.  The policy decisions taken now will shape the fate of millions and define the future of nations. Strong public institutions, effective decision-making and innovative solutions are critical for building and maintaining the capacity of national governments to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, mitigate its implications and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).


The conference focuses on the issues of crisis management, best practices on how to transform governance and develop capacities of public institutions and regional/local administrations to address pandemic related challenges. Academicians, experts and practitioners are welcome to present and debate accumulated experience, emerging issues, trends and challenges, as well as good practices, strategies and innovative approaches that have proven their efficacy since the start of pandemic. The organizers of the conference inspire the participants to develop and reflect solutions and pathways to achieving the SDGs under new circumstances.


The authors of conference submissions are invited to focus on one of the following sub-themes.

Conference Sub-Themes

The role of state in crisis management

· Drivers and enablers of government effective performance in critical situations  

· Crisis leadership and emergency management: proven policy responses and innovative approaches  

· Addressing COVID-19 related threats at national, regional and municipal levels: strategies, lessons and best practices  

· Overstrained public healthcare systems during pandemic: prospective recipes for effective maintenance and performance

· International and regional cooperation in coping with the crisis

Provision of public services in times of crisis 

· Rethinking and reinforcing public service delivery in crisis

· How have public services adapted to the new situation: practical cases

· Multi-stakeholder cooperation in the delivery of services

· Best practice cases of innovative modes of urban service delivery

 Local administration and municipal governance in the times of emergency

· Engaging citizens in crisis management at local level

· Strengthening interface between central government, regional and municipal authorities in tackling the crisis

· Adopting urban infrastructure to emergency measures

· Innovative approaches in addressing emergency issues

· Sustainable urban governance: challenges and solutions

 Digital state and E-government as innovative emergency instruments

· The impact of e-Government on enhancing public sector performance

· Potential of digital technologies to address new and long-standing challenges

· Digitalization and artificial intelligence in facilitating COVID-19 crisis related solutions

· Strengthening science and technology in addressing inequalities in the

COVID-19 period


Public management and civil service systems in Asia in comparative perspective


· Civil service and HR management in the times of uncertainty and scarcity

· Public sector reform: new trends and priorities

· Retaining professionals and building leadership at different levels of government in the periods of uncertainty and tension

· Fast learning programmes and high quality professional development:  is there a contradiction?

 State and society in times of crisis

· Transparency, dialogue and interface with citizens in mitigating effects of the crisis

· Support to vulnerable groups and recovery measures to businesses

· Accountability of authorities and trust in government: innovative “know how”

· Crisis perception by key stakeholders and the role of mass media


Transforming governance for realizing the SDGs


· Pandemic responses of respective countries from the perspective of Sustainable Development Goals

· Public policy innovations towards sustainable development

· Sustainable governance amidst COVID-19 pandemic: best practice cases


The 2021 AAPA Annual Conference will be jointly hosted by the Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA) and the Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service (IPACS) of the Russian Presidential Academy of  National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) in collaboration with the ASEAN Centre of the MGIMO University.


Depending on the epidemiological situation in the country the conference may be held either in fully online mode or in hybrid format (the on-site presence of a limited number of participants and the rest in distant mode).


The programme of the conference will include a special panel formed by the past and present AAPA Presidents.


We encourage the submission of panel proposals on other main conference theme related topics.  All proposals should be sent as an email attachment to aapa2021@ranepa.ru by April 15, 2021. A panel will consist of 4-5 presenters, each speaking for approximately 15 minutes, with 10 minutes left for discussion. Panel proposals should include: (1) session title, the chair, his/her institutional affiliation, and the address; (2) panelists and panel abstract including references.


We invite submission of abstracts and papers that reflect on the above issues from academics and practitioners. Please find below information about submission of conference papers.




Abstracts (no more than 500 words in English) for paper presentations should be sent as an email attachment to aapa2021@ranepa.ru  no later than May 16, 2021.

All abstracts should include: (1) author(s) name, title, institutional affiliation, and address; (2) contacting information (email and phone); (3) paper title and its sub-theme; and (4) abstract including references.


Proposed papers should feature high-quality theoretical, qualitative, or quantitative research. Empirical paper proposals will be evaluated based on the significance and quality of the research question, design, methods, data, and implications. Theoretical paper proposals will be evaluated based on the extent to which the proposal provides insight into a compelling public management subject, identifies foundational assumptions and key concepts, and results in meaningful critiques of accepted theory, asserts guiding propositions or testable hypotheses, or develops helpful conceptual frameworks and research agendas.


After blind review process, letters of acceptance will be sent to authors. Full papers should be sent as an email attachment to aapa2021@ranepa.ru no later than September 15, 2021. The conference scientific committee will review all submitted papers. The AAPA President will present Akira Nakamura Award and Anthony Cheung Award to the presenters who deliver the paper of the highest quality. Akira Nakamura Award will be granted to graduate students, researchers and scholars and Anthony Cheung Award to practitioners and public officials. To be considered for awards, the author(s) must submit the full paper to the conference organizer by the due date and complete the registration form.


The best papers presented at the conference can be eligible for publication in one of the following international peer review journals: Public Organization Review (POR, https://www.springer.com/journal/11115), International Public Management Review (IPMR, http://ipmr.net) and Urban Governance (UG, https://www.journals.elsevier.com/urban-governance).

An agreement has been reached with the Public Organization Review and Urban Governance journals that they will arrange a special issue to accommodate selected papers from the AAPA 2021 Conference.  




Submission of Panel Proposals: April 15, 2021

Abstract Submission Deadline: May 16, 2021

Notification of acceptance/rejection to authors: June 05, 2021

Final Paper Submission Deadline: September 15, 2021

Conference Date: October 7-8, 2021



You are kindly invited to help distribute this message to interested persons,

institutions, agencies and networks.


NB. The conference e-mail address has been tested for its functionality. However,

in view of a wide geographic coverage by the conference participants and in order

to reduce the risk of possible technical failures a reserve address –

aapaconf2021@gmail.com has been set up and is regularly checked for incoming
