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发布时间:2019-03-18 点击次数:7261

作者张传勇系上海交通大学中国城市治理研究院、国际与公共事务学院副研究员。原文题名:Effects of housing wealth on subjective well-being in urban China,原文刊于Journal of Housing and the Built Environment






Homeownership means not only having a permanent residence but also generating a considerable fnancial gain from house value appreciation. This study investigates how housing characteristics afect individuals’ subjective well-being (SWB) in China by using 2011 China Household Finance Survey data. The fndings suggest that the channel through which housing characteristics signifcantly afect SWB mainly depends on housing assets. House value appreciation signifcantly improves SWB; however, housing debt does not afect the role of house value in SWB. Furthermore, housing wealth has a more signifcant impact on SWB for low-income homeowners and those living in the eastern region of China. Our fndings shed light on potential solutions to enhance the SWB of urban residents. In particular, the government should pay more attention to raising their life satisfaction under the background of high house prices.



Housing wealth · House value appreciation · Housing debt · Subjective wellbeing · Urban China


张传勇,经济学博士、博士后,现为上海交通大学中国城市治理研究院、国际与公共事务学院副研究员,研究方向为城市与区域经济学、住房政策等,以第一(英文含通讯)或独立作者在Tourism EconomicsCitiesJournal of Housing and the Built Environment、《金融研究》、《统计研究》等英文SSCI和中文CSSCI权威期刊发表三十余篇论文,并主持国家自然科学基金面上基金、国家自然科学青年基金、教育部人文社科青年基金等纵向科研项目和多项政府决策咨询课题,相关成果曾获得上海市决策咨询研究优秀成果二等奖、世界华人不动产学会优秀论文二等奖、中国房地产学术研讨会一等奖等奖项。

引用链接:Chuanyong Zhang, Fang Zhang. Effects of Housing Wealth on Subjective Well-being in Urban China, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2019, forthcoming. 


2019 张传勇_Article_Effects Of Housing Wealth On Subjective well-being in urban China.pdf