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发布时间:2017-06-28 点击次数:8453




一、           论坛主题


主题:全球城市·精准治理(Global City, Smart Governance




l  智慧城市与大数据分析




l  城市环境治理




l  城市应急管理




l  城市群交通治理




l  城市治理与社会参与




l  城市群规划发展与治理






二、           论坛时间和地点







三、           征文要求


参会论文应为英文或中文,中文论文摘要请使用中英文。会议论文将择优推荐给Journal of Cleaner ProductionJCPJournal of Urban AffairsJUA,并在匿名评审后组织特刊发表。JUA特刊征稿启事如后文所示,JCP特刊征稿启事将尽快发布。论文正文与参考文献格式请参见JCPJUA。其余论文计划根据作者意见出版专著。





四、           重要日期


l  摘要(中文论文请提供中英双语摘要)截止:2017730

l  审查结果通知:2017815

l  论文全文(中文或英文)截止:20171015

l  论坛注册报到:20171028

l  正式参会:20171029-30




五、           会议费用












Call for Papers 2017 Global Cities Forum


To better promote the idea of sustainable and innovative on development, to deliver and achieve the shared goal of “Better City, Better Life”, and to build an international platform of urban governance studies, the Development Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, and the World Bank will jointly host the 2017 Global Cities Forum between October 28–30, 2017, at Shanghai Jiao Tong University with the theme of “Global City, Smart Governance”.

We now encourage proposals that approach the theme and sub-themes from scholars and practitioners of relevant fields from both China and abroad. All interested are welcomed to submit paper proposals. We look forward to seeing you in Shanghai in late October, Shanghai’s most beautiful season. 


Theme of the Conference: Global City, Smart Governance


Global cities are facing big challenges in governance. To achieve the goal of smart governance, the optimization and integration of theories, technology, and measures, as well as solutions to the key issues in urban governance, is critical. This year’s forum will focus on the major topic of global cities’ smart governance, including smart-city and big-data applications, urban environmental governance, urban emergency management, mega-city urban transportation governance and management, urban governance and public participation, governance and planning for metropolitan development. Sub-themes are listed below:


l  Smart-City and Big-Data Applications


The application of big-data technology is critical to the construction of smart cities. This sub-forum, based on successful cases of smart cities, aims to provide technical support for urban precise management; construct an open and modern city; analyze the preeminent cases of smart cities; and explore the principles and approaches of applying big-data technology to data sharing, environment evaluation, urban security, intelligent transportation, intelligent community, and government-affairs openness.


l  Urban Environmental Governance


With rapid urbanization and industrialization, cities across the whole world are facing increasing environmental challenges, such as solid wastes, air and water pollution, soil contamination, and climate change. In order to respond to these challenges, innovative efforts (such as more appropriate mitigation policies) should be initiated by considering the local realities so that sustainable development can be put into practice at the city level. This sub-forum aims to address such an issue. The related topics include the following: Urban symbiosis/industrial symbiosis, urban climate-change policies, integrated solid-waste management at the city level, haze issues at the city level, urban water management, urban energy-supply/demand management, and urban ecological protection, in addition to big data and environment evaluation.


l  Urban Emergency Management


Cities provide shields for responding to emergency but are also bringing about more threats. This sub-theme contains five major topicsurban lifeline emergency management, big data and urban safety, emergency cooperation and emergency response plans, and online public-sentiment and environmental-emergency management. This sub-theme aims to attract scholars to discuss the latest research results and trends in the field of urban emergency management.se fields.


l  Mega-City Urban Transportation Governance and Management


Urban transportation problems, particularly those in mega-cities and mega-regions, are serious urban issues facing urban governance. This sub-theme thus provides a platform for worldwide experts to address those issues and exchange lessons learned in different cities and mega-regions. The themes of this sub-forum focus on the following issues1) transportation planning and management in mega-cities and mega-regionsincluding multi-modal, inter-city transportation-planning coordination; industrial and land use allocation and derived transportation demand and environment effects; coordinated, cross-regional transportation-demand management and policies; and case studies on mega-city and mega-region transportation planning, management, and policies; 2) shared mobility: models, effects, and policies, including bike sharing, vehicle sharing, and autonomous vehicle sharing; 3) urban activity patterns and traveler-behavior analysis based on big-data analytics, including spatiotemporal analysis of urban activities, travel-behavior analyses based on pervasive data analysis, as well as travel-information services.


l  Urban Governance and Public Participation


Rapid urbanization has brought serious problems, such as traffic jams, environmental pollution, food-safety issues, and emergency- or crisis-management difficulties, to Chinese cities. Technologies alone cannot solve these problems. The participation of social forces is indispensable if these problems can be dealt with effectively. We welcome submission of papers on the following specific topics: neighborhood governance, big-data applications in the construction of intelligent communities, NGOs’ role in solving urban problems, the relationship between culture and urban governance, and the effectiveness of urban governmental agencies.


l  Governance and Planning for Metropolitan Development


Under the context of informationization and globalization, the governance and planning for metropolitan area has turned out to have strategic significance since metropolitan area becomes the core for economic growth. In 2017, the central government initiated “research on the planning and development of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao Bay Area” in its government work report. This proposal on the one side stressed the Bay Area as the innovation center and new economic growth hub, on the other side, it endeavors to integrate the innovation activities beyond administrative boundaries and support close interactive work in the metropolitan area. With the theme of “Governance and Planning for Metropolitan Development”, this sub-forum welcomes papers on the following topics: empirical and comparative research of Metropolitan Planning and Development, implication of Big Data on Metropolitan Planning and Development, Innovation on Metropolitan Governance. This sub-forum will focus on metropolitan development in three bay area in the world. Through comparison, this sub-forum intends to shed lights on the governance and planning for bay area metropolitan development in China.


Proposals and papers should be in English. Please submit them via the mailbox: globalforum@163.com. Submitted papers should not have been previously published and should not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Selected papers in this conference will be recommended to the Journal of Cleaner Production (JCP) or the Journal of Urban Affairs (JUA) to form special issues after going through peer-review process. Please see below for the JUA special issue proposal titled "Smart Governance across Cities in the Contemporary Era". The call for papers for special issue of JCP will come out soon. Please follow the style guidelines of JCP or JUA. Other accepted papers will also be considered for being included in an edited volume for publication. 


Important Dates


l  Proposal submission: July 30, 2017

l  Notification for acceptance and invitation letter: August 15, 2017 

l  Full paper submission: October 15, 2017

l  Registration: October 28, 2017

l  Conference: October 29-30, 2017


There is no registration fee. The conference organizers will cover meals for all conference participants with accepted papers during the conference. Conference participants shall pay for their own accommodations and transportation.


Contact Information

Boming Xie,


Email: bmxie1226@sjtu.edu.cn;

Mailing address: Jixie Building, Room 201, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Huaihai Xilu, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China 200030

















Smart Governance across Cities in the Contemporary Era 

 A Special Issue Proposal for Journal of Urban Affairs


Guest Editors:

Kevin C. Desouza, Foundation Professor, School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University

Email: kevin.desouza@asu.edu

Naim Kapucu, Professor, School of Public Administration, University of Central Florida

Email: kapucu@ucf.edu

Jiannan Wu, Distinguished Professor, China Institute for Urban Governance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Email: jnwu@sjtu.edu.cn



Cities across the world are faced with various increasing challenges, such as environmental pollution, transportation problems, food-safety issues, emergent crises, inefficient public service provision with the rapid urbanization and industrialization. Smart city, as defined by Scholl and AlAwadhi (2015) “creation, integration, combination, development, and effective leverage of resources and assets toward innovation, attractiveness, competitiveness, sustainability, and livability of an urban space facilitated and accelerated by the ubiquitous use of advanced information and communication technologies with local governments playing key instigating roles in this process” , has become an emerging welcome mode to tackle with these challenges.


As an important element of “Smart City”, “Smart governance” is related to improvement of public budgeting and spending, sustainability and adaptability-oriented policies, transparency and information sharing, information and communication technology (ICT) usage, and human skill sets development. Though several scholars devote their efforts exploring the concept, elements, and performance evaluation index of smart governance and practical smart governance initiatives in recent years, current research is still much less than what we needed, especially from a comparative perspective.


Some important theoretical issues is still lacking wide and deep exploration, especially its diffusion dynamics, barriers to implementation, impacts evaluation; we still know little about what smart governance initiatives have been adopted and implemented in various specific policy domains and how these initiatives can help to achieve smart governance, from western countries to east Asia. In this context, this symposium calls for contributions to the knowledge stream of smart cities and smart governance. The themes include but are not limited to:


l  The application of big-data technology in smart governance;

l  Smart environmental governance;

l  Smart urban emergency and crisis management;

l  Smart mega-city urban transportation governance and management; and

l  Smart social urban governance.


Both quantitative and qualitative studies focused on smart governance, across various urban affairs domains and countries, are welcome. We particularly welcome best practice of smart governance across cities around the world from a comparative perspective or single case studies.


Detailed arrangement:

Call for Abstract Deadline: July 30, 2017

Notification for acceptance and invitation letter: August 15, 2017 

Full paper submission: October 15, 2017

Conference discussion: October 29-30, 2017 see Call for Papers 2017 Global Cities Forum

Full Paper submitted to JUADec. 1st, 2017


All papers need to be submitted directly through the manuscript system of Journal of Urban Affairs: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/juaf



Scholl HJ, AlAwadhi S. (2015). Pooling and leveraging scarce resources: The smart eCity Gov Alliance. In: Bui T, Sprague F (eds) Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-48). Kauai, HI: IEEE, 1-11.