1986.7-1989.8 西安交通大学数学系应用数学专业,获理学学士学位
1989.9-1992.5 西安交通大学数学系概率统计专业,获理学硕士学位
1994.9-1996.8 西安交通大学中国-加拿大联合培养在职博士生
1996.9-1999.12 香港科技大学工业工程与工程管理系,获博士学位
1992.6-1996.8 西安交通大学管理学院战略与决策研究所,讲师
2000.1-2003.8 美国电报电话公司(AT&T)贝尔实验室,高级技术顾问
2003.9-2008.8 美国Stevens Institute of Technology 系统与企业学院助理教授
2005.5-2008.12 美国Stevens Institute of Technology 知识与信息管理(KIM)实验室主任
2008.9-2008.12 美国Stevens Institute of Technology 系统与企业管理学院副教授
2008.1-2008.12 美国Stevens Institute of Technology 价值链企业(Value Chain Enterprise)硕士项目主管
2009.1-2011.1 香港科技大学工业工程与物流管理系访问副教授
2011.2- 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院运营管理系主任,特聘教授
2014.6-2014.8 美国Massachusetts Institute of Technology,高级访问学者
1. Jiang, W. and Farr, J.V. (2006) “Process Control for Quality Improvement”, Handbook of Industrial & Systems Engineering, eds. Deji Badiru, CRC press.
2. Jiang, W., Murphy, T.E., and Tsui, K.-L. (2006) “Statistical Methods for Quality and Productivity Improvement”, Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics, eds. Hoang Pham, Springer-Verlag.
3. Tsui, K.-L., Chen, V.C.P., Jiang, W., and Aslandogan, Y.A. (2006) “Data Mining Methods and Applications”, Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics, eds. Hoang Pham, Springer-Verlag.
4. Feng, G., Yu, G., and Jiang, W. (2007) “Logistics Management in China: Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies”, Building Supply Chain Excellence in Emerging Economies, eds. Hau Lee and Chung-Yee Lee, Springer Science & Business Media.
5.Tsui, K.-L. Jiang, W., and Mei, Y.J. (2011) “CUSUM Charts for Multivariate Monitoring and Forecasting”, Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, eds. James J. Cochran, Wiley.
1. *Jiang, W., Han, S.W., Tsui, K.L., Woodall, W.H. (2011) “Spatiotemporal Surveillance Methods in the Presence of Spatial Correlation”, Statistics in Medicine, 30, 569-583.
2. *Jiang, W., Shu, L.J., and Tsui, K.-L. (2011) “Weighted CUSUM Control Charts for Poisson Count Data with Varying Sample Sizes”, Journal of Quality Technology, 43(4), 346-362.
3. *Jiang, W., Duan, R., and Au, S.T. (2012) “A Co-integration Model with Structure Breaks for Customer Migration Analysis”, Service Science, 4(1), 42-54.
4. Jiang, W., Wang, K.B., and Tsung, F. (2012) “A Variable-Selection-based Multivariate EWMA Chart for High-Dimensional Process Monitoring and Diagnosis”, Journal of Quality Technology, 44(3), 209-230.
5. *Jiang, W., Shu, L.J., Zhao, H. and Tsui, K.L. (2013) “CUSUM Procedures for Health Care Surveillance”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 29(6), 883-897.
6. Jiang, W., Shu, L.J., and Tsui, K-L (2014) “Public Health and Healthcare Surveillance and Response”, IIE Transactions, 46(8), 757-758.
1. 上海市“上海市优秀学术带头人”, 2015
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会“国家杰出青年科学基金”, 2013
3. 上海市“浦江人才计划”, 2013
4. 上海市“千人计划”特聘专家, 2012
5. 中国教育部新世纪优秀人才, 2011
6. 美国国家自然科学基金CAREER奖, 2006
1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71531010)“基于物联网的产品状态智能监控与质量管理”,项目负责人,2016.1-2020.12
2. 上海市优秀学术带头人计划(15XD1502000)“基于大数据的商务智能与运营创新”,项目负责人,2015.5-2018.4
3. 国家自然科学基金会(71325003)“杰出青年科学基金项目 - 质量控制与管理”,项目负责人, 2014.1-2017.12