International Public Management Network 2017 Conference

Theme: Reform, Innovation and Governance:

Improving Performance and Accountability in Changing Times



l  School of International and Public Affairs, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

l  China Institute of Urban Governance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

l  Center for Reform, Innovation and Governance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Date: August 16-18, 2017

Venue: KoGuan Law School Building, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Xuhui Campus, 1954 Huashan Rd., Xuhui District, Shanghai, China, 200030 -




Detailed Conference Agenda

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

15:30-18:30 p.m. Registration

Venue: Shanghai Tianping Hotel Lobby


18:30-20:30 p.m. Welcome Dinner at Shanghai Tianping Hotel

Venue: 3rd floor, Shanghai Tianping Hotel

Host: Bangcheng Liu

Vice Dean, School of International and Public Affairs

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Welcome Address:

Jiannan Wu

Distinguished Professor, Executive Vice Director, China Institute of Urban Governance

Director, Center for Reform, Innovation and Governance

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Clay Wescott

President of IPMN


Thursday, August 17, 2017



Venue: 2nd floor, KoGuan Law School Building, SJTU

8:30-10:40a.m. Keynote Address

Venue: Room 208 (East Conference Hall)

Host: Jiannan Wu

Distinguished Professor, Executive Vice Director, China Institute of Urban Governance

Director, Center for Reform, Innovation and Governance

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Keynote Address:

l  Unleashing Change in Government

Speaker: Steven J. Kelman, Weatherhead Professor of Public Management,  Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

l  Public Service Innovation: Towards a Typology

Speaker: Richard M. Walker, Professor, City University of Hong Kong

l  Is There a Nordic Model of Administrative Reform?

Speaker: Per Lægreid, Professor at the Department of Administration and Organization theory, University of Bergen


10:40-11:00 a.m. Tea Break(including group photo taking)

Venue: 2nd floor, KoGuan Law School Building


11:00-12:30 p.m. Parallel Session I

Sub-theme1a: How to Implement Reform Strategies of State and Local Authorities

Venue: Room 202, KoGuan Law School Building

Moderator: Hon Chan (City University of Hong Kong)

Discussant: Xufeng Zhu (Tsinghua University)

l  Implementing Governance Reform in China: A Comparative Study of Environmental Service Organization Reform in Chengdu and Guangzhou

Xueyong Zhan (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

l  Devolution: A reality or rhetoric Case of 2001 Devolution in Environmental Protection Departments, Pakistan

Zahra Paul (University of the Punjab)

l  20 Years After Handover: A Review of Public Management Reform In Hong Kong

Richard Lui (Tianda Institute, Hong Kong)

l  Local Government Reform in Pakistan: Past, Present and Future

Ayesha Hanif (University of the Punjab)


Sub-theme1b: How to Promote Innovations in Public and Private Sectors

Venue: Room 204, KoGuan Law School Building

Moderator: Richard M. Walker (City University of Hong Kong)

Discussant: Lei Guo (Tongji University)

l  What Drives Government Innovativeness?: Evidence from the US States

Bin Chen (Baruch College/CUNY), Liang Ma (Renmin University of China)

l  How smart can government be? – Discussing the potential of smart technologies for public administration

Kuno Schedler, Ruth Frischknecht, Ali Asker Gündüz (University of St.Gallen)

l  Spatial Patterns and Determinants of Local Sustainability Experimentation in China during 2006-2010: A Spatial Econometric Analysis

Jie Wang (Tsinghua University), Yue Guo(Beijing Normal University)

l  Public provision by the private sector: a four country comparison of emergency ambulance services

Alex Murdock (London South Bank University)


Sub-theme1c: How to Improve Governance through Reform and Innovation

Venue: Room 205, KoGuan Law School Building

Moderator: Per Lægreid (University of Bergen)

Discussant: Fanrong Meng (Xi'an Jiaotong University)

l  Innovation, Governance and Reform of Development Partnerships

Clay G. Wescott (President, International Public Management Network)

l  Spatial production and governance of urban agglomeration in China 2000-2015: Yangtze River Delta as a case

Chao Ye (East China Normal University)

l  A Cross-region Study of Communications Regulators from Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, People Republic of China, and Malaysia

Kuo-Tai Cheng (National Tsing Hua University)

l  Environmental Target-setting and the Adoption of Policy Tools with Spatial Spillover Effects: Evidence from Mainland China

Pan Zhang, Jiannan Wu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)


12:30 -13:45p.m. Lunch at SAIF Canteen (2nd Floor)


13:45-15:30p.m. Parallel Session II

Sub-theme2a: How to Implement Reform Strategies of State and Local Authorities

Venue: Room 202, KoGuan Law School Building

Moderator: Tom Christensen (University of Oslo)

Discussant: Yan Bo (Xi'an Jiaotong University)

l  Public-Private Differences with incentive structures: A laboratory experiment of work motivation and performance

Jin Lee, Richard M. Walker (City University of Hong Kong)

l  A Tale of Two Cities: How Smog Crisis Influence Public Acceptance towards Congestion Charge Policy--Learning from Beijing and Shanghai

Lingyi Zhou, Yixin Dai (Tsinghua University)

l   “Where There’s a Reform Process, There’s Performance”: Does This Reflect Reality ? The Experience of Managerial Reform in French Public Universities

Roula Masou (ESSCA School of Management)


Sub-theme2b: How to Promote Innovations in Public and Private Sectors

Venue: Room 204, KoGuan Law School Building

Moderator: Alex Murdock (London South Bank University)

Discussant: Kilkon Ko (Seoul National University)

l  Multiple Mechanisms of Innovation Diffusion in China

Xufeng Zhu (Tsinghua University)

l  Beyond bureaucracy: The Effects of Environmental Policy Experimentation on Citizens' Environmental Awareness in Urban China

Yue Guo(Beijing Normal University), Jie Wang (Tsinghua University)

l  Governing innovation networks: Findings from a case study in Nanjing

Yanwei Li (Nanjing Normal University)


Sub-theme2c: How to Improve Governance through Reform and Innovation

Venue: Room 205, KoGuan Law School Building

Moderator: Carmine Bianchi (University of Palermo)

Discussant: Liang Ma (Renmin University of China)

l  Background and Career Trajectories of Political and Administrative Elite: The Case of Russia and Japan.

Alexander Kotchegura (Russian University of Peoples` Friendship, RUDN)

l  Performance management in the public sector: A case study of Vietnam as a transitional country

Tai Anh Vu (Victoria University of Wellington)

l  How to Improve the Work Engagement of Basic Level Civil Servants? Evidence from Mainland China

Huan Wang, Fanrong Meng, Sihan Li (Xi'an Jiaotong University)

l  Corporate Governance and Transparency in Spanish Central Government Agencies

Vicente Pina, Lourdes Torres (University of Zaragoza, Spain)


15:30-15:45 p.m. Tea Break


15:45-17:15p.m. Parallel Session III

Sub-theme3a: How to Implement Reform Strategies of State and Local Authorities

Venue: Room 202, KoGuan Law School Building

Moderator: M. Jin Lee (City University of Hong Kong)

Discussant: Yue Guo(Beijing Normal University)

l  Decentralization, Incentives, and Tax Enforcement  

Junxue Jia, Yongzheng Liu, Siying Ding (Renmin University of China)

l  Does the Land Financing Inhibit Regional Innovation? Preliminary Empirical Evidence from China

Bo Yan (Xi'an Jiaotong University), Jiannan Wu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

l  External Perturbation, Institutional Contradictions, and Change Entrepreneurship in Local Government Reforms in Authoritarian China

Zhenjie Yang (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)

l  The Province-Managing-County Reform and County-level Urbanization: An Empirical Analysis on Panel Data of Shaanxi Province

Jia Liu (Shaanxi Normal University), Yanru Huang, Bo Yan (Xi'an Jiaotong University)


Sub-theme3b: How to Improve Governance through Reform and Innovation

Venue: Room 204, KoGuan Law School Building

Moderator: Yijia Jing (Fudan University)

Discussant: Tang Tian (Florida State University)

l  Institutional Development and Budgetary Outcome: The case of Hong Kong

Hanyu Xiao (City University of Hong Kong)

l  Changing Intergovernmental Relationship and Administrative Reforms: the case of China

Ruiliang Zhang (Renmin University of China)

l  The Impact of Institutional Development on Environmental Spending

Jingyuan Xu (City University of Hong Kong)

l   The Impact of Institutional Development on Social Welfare Spending

Chenlin Zhao (City University of Hong Kong)


Sub-theme3c: How to Improve Governance through Reform and Innovation

Venue: Room 205, KoGuan Law School Building

Moderator: Kuno Schedler (University of St.Gallen)

Discussant: Yixin Dai (Tsinghua University)

l  Crisis Management Capacity in Central Government: the Perceptions of Civil Servants in Norway

Tom Christensen (University of Oslo), Per Lægreid (University of Bergen)

l  Resource Dependence and Efficiency of Quasi-Governmental Institutions

Kilkon Ko , Daejoon Kim, Yeyoung Lee ( Seoul National University)

l  Using Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS) for Fiscal Control: Applying a Risk-Based Approach for Early Results in the Reform Process.

Clay G. Wescott (President, International Public Management Network)

l  Understanding inter-organisational relationships in public-private partnerships: A study of educational PPPs in Pakistan

Sidra Irfan (University of the Punjab)


17:15-18:15p.m. IPMN Board Meeting (Open to all conference attendants)

Venue: Room 202, KoGuan Law School Building


18:30-20:30 p.m. Reception

Venue: Faculty Club, SJTU

Friday, August 18, 2017

9:00-10:30a.m. Parallel Session IV

Sub-theme4a: How to Implement Reform Strategies of State and Local Authorities

Venue: Room 202, KoGuan Law School Building

Moderator: Chao Ye (East China Normal University)

Discussant: Xueyong Zhan (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

l  Does Environmental Protection Interview Really Matter to Air Pollution Control: A Multiple-Case Study from China

Jiannan Wu, Jing Wen, Zhao Qin, Fanrong Meng (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

l  Same bed, different dreams?: Structural and functional integration of central government agencies in China

Liang Ma (Renmin University of China), Tom Christensen (University of Oslo)

l  Vertical Management Reform in Environmental System in China: Progress, Conditions and Prospects

Fanrong Meng, Zitao Chen (Xi'an Jiaotong University)

l  IPMR and Public Management: The next 18 years?

Stephen Barber, Alex Murdock (London South Bank University)


Sub-theme4b: How to Improve Governance through Reform and Innovation

Venue: Room 204, KoGuan Law School Building

Moderator: Alexander Kotchegura (Russian University of Peoples` Friendship, RUDN)

Discussant: Bin Chen (Baruch College/CUNY)

l  Network Governance and Effectiveness on Renewable Energy Integration: A Comparative Case Study on Power Transmission Networks in the United States

Tang Tian (Florida State University)

l  When Public-Private Partnerships Meet Financial Stress: Process and Choice in Restructuring Road Infrastructure Ventures

Yin Wang (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)

l  Can “Learned Helplessness” Theory Explain Negative Attitudes Among Public Personnel Towards- New Public Management Reforms?: A Case Study In Turkish Health Sector

Hamza Ates (Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey)

l  The discretion of local governments in implementing central government' mandates: the case of environmental information transparency in China

Rui Zhao, Haitao Yin, Feng Wang, Junxiu Sun (Shanghai Jiao Tong University & Shanghai University of Finance and Economic)


Sub-theme4c: How to Improve Governance through Reform and Innovation

Venue: Room 315, KoGuan Law School Building

Moderator: Kilkon Ko (Seoul National University)

Discussant: Richard Lui (Tianda Institute, Hong Kong)

l  Targets Heterogeneity, Ambiguity-Conflict and Policy Implementation: The Effect of Ownership on China’s Corporate Employee Pension Policy Implementation

Lei Guo (Tongji University)

l  A Dynamic and Outcome-based Collaborative Approach to Crime Prevention: The Case of Malaysia

Carmine Bianchi (University of Palermo)

l  Performance Assessment, Public Participation, or Both? Evidence from Environmental Protection across Chinese Provinces

Jiannan Wu, Mengmeng Xu, Pan Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

l  A Study on the Distribution Pattern of Supervision Policies About Online Car-Hailing Services and Taxi in China--Based on the Analysis of Evolutionary Game Model

Xintao Li (Tianjin University)

10:30-10:50a.m. Tea Break


10:50-11:30a.m. Open Discussion

Venue: Room 202, KoGuan Law School Building

Moderator: Clay G. Wescott (President, International Public Management Network)

- Publishing in IPMJ Steven J. Kelman (Harvard University)

- Publishing in IPMR Alex Murdock (London South Bank University)

- The Future of IPMN All the Participants


11:30-12:00a.m. Closing Ceremony

Venue: Room 202, KoGuan Law School Building

Moderator: Kuno Schedler (Professor, University of St.Gallen)

Closing Remarks

Clay G. Wescott (President, International Public Management Network)

Jiannan Wu (Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)


12:00-13:30p.m. Lunch at SAIF Canteen (2nd Floor)


13:30-16:00p.m. Social Programme: Site Visit to the Administrative Citizen’s Service Center in Shanghai’s Xuhui District (Special Registration required at the Hotel Registration)