Call for papers for the symposium on: "Implementing collaborative governance. Models, experiences and challenges to foster policy coordination, and to enhance sustainable community outcomes and public value generation”

October 25th-26th, 2018
University of Palermo 

Keynote speakers: 
- Greta Nasi, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy 
- Stephen Osborne, University of Edinburgh, Scotland 

Deadline for paper submission: May 21st, 2018. 

Best papers presented at the symposium, will be eligible possibly for publication in a special issue of the Public Management Review and a fast track of the Journal of Management & Governance. 

They will also be eligible for publication in a book planned in the series “System Dynamics for Performance Management”, by Springer
(, on: Enabling collaborative governance through systems modeling methods. Fostering coordination in public policy design and implementation. (co-edited by: Carmine Bianchi (University of Palermo, Italy), Luis F. Luna-Reyes (University at Albany, USA), and Eliot Rich (University at Albany USA). 

More info on the symposium at: 

Call for papers can be downloaded at:

Call for chapters is at: