姓名:杨帆 | |
职称:讲师 | |
系别:公共经济与社会政策系 | |
联系方式:an_yang86@sjtu.edu.cn | |
单位:国际与公共事务学院 | |
教育背景 2011-2015 哲学博士(社会福利方向) 香港大学社会工作与社会行政系 2008-2011 管理学硕士(社会保障专业) 上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院 2004-2008 法学学士(社会学专业) 华东师范大学社会学系 开设课程及授课经历 1. 本科生专业必修课《公共管理专业英语》 2. 本科生专业必修课《管创一》 3. 硕士研究生专业必修课《社会科学研究方法》 博士就读期间,为香港大学本科生及社会工作专业硕士研究生讲授英语教学课程三门:Aging and Society, Social Science Theories for Social Work, Family and Development in Modern China.
博士毕业论文 Social Determinants for the Depressive Symptoms of Chinese Rural Mature and Older Population in the Context of Urbanization: Social Identity, Living Arrangement, and Community Environment 同行评议期刊论文 1.Yang, F., Lou, V. W. Q.(2016) Childhood adversities, urbanization, and depressive symptoms among middle-aged and older adults: evidence from a national survey in China. Ageing & Society, 36 (5), pp1031-1051. (IF: 1.827). DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X15000239. 2.Yang, F., Lou, V. W. Q. (2016). Community restructuring and depressive symptoms of rural mature and elderly adults: A multilevel analysis based on a national dataset in China. Community Mental Health Journal (IF: 0.979).DOI: 10.1007/s10597-016-0020-8. 3.杨帆,章晓懿. 可行能力方法视阈下的精准扶贫:国际实践及对本土政策的启示. 上海交通大学学报(哲社版),2016. 会议论文 1.Yang, F., Lou, V. W. Q. (2015). Community restructuring and depressive symptoms of rural mature and elderly adults: A multilevel analysis based on a national dataset in China. 文章宣读于2015年中国经济学年会, 上海,华东师范大学。 2.Yang, F., Lou, V. W. Q. (2014). Childhood adversities, urbanization, and depressive symptoms among middle-aged and older adults: evidence from a national survey in China.文章宣读于Gerontological Society of America (GSA)’s 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington. D. C., USA. 3.Yang, F. (2013). Institutional exclusion and capabilities deprivation for China’s semi-urbanized older people: evidences from CHARLS-Pilot. 文章宣读于 Asian Doctoral Innovation Conference 2013, Hangzhou, China. 4.Yang, F., Lou, V. W. Q. (2012). Street-level bureaucratic discretion: determinants and implications for welfare sector in China.文章宣读于Aging & Social Security International Conference: Aging and Social Security - The International Experience and China’s Development, Hangzhou, China. 1、项目名称 2016/07 - 主持人 课题:“常态老年人的综合认知功能与其脑网络整体特征研究” 上海交通大学人文社科学术领域专项 2016/01 -课题组核心成员 课题:“社会力量参与社会救助政策研究” 上海市民政局 2014/07 – 2014/12 课题组核心成员 课题:“养老事业发展中社会力量投入体制机制研究” 上海市政府发展研究中心 2014/06 – 至今 课题组核心成员 课题:“Expose to early-life stress and adulthood intergenerational support: Evidences from CHARLS” 香港大学基础研究种子基金资助 2013/04 – 2013/07 调查负责人 课题:“Family caregivers for the frail and very elderly: Well-being and needs in Shanghai” 中国香港研究资助局资助 |
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