姓名:王良燕 | |
职称:副教授 | |
系别:市场营销系 | |
联系方式:wly@sjtu.edu.cn | |
单位:安泰经济与管理学院 | |
研究专长:主要研究方向为消费者信息处理、品牌管理、行为决策及风险分析等。 | |
开设课程:1. Consumer Behavior (本科生消费者行为) 2. Global Marketing (本科生国际营销) 3. Research Methods (硕博生研究方法) 4. Seminar in Consumer Behavior (硕博生消费者行为研究) 5. Marketing Management (UBC交换生营销管理) | |
1. 中国高等院校市场学研究会常务理事 2. 管理现代化研究会营销专业委员会常务理事 3. 中国高校市场营销学博士生工作指导委员会委员 4. 《营销科学学报》及《品牌研究》编委 5. 上海交大“全英语教学”专家组成员 1. “Effects of Directly and Indirectly Competing Reference Group Messages and Persuasion Knowledge: Implications for Educational Placements,” with C. Pechmann (2010). Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (1), 134-145.
2. “Idleness aversion and the need for justified busyness,” with Hsee, C.K., X. Yang (2010). Psychological Science, 21(7), 926-930. 3. “Product Quality Risk Perceptions and Decisions: Contaminated Pet Food and Lead-Painted Toys,” with Feng, T., L. R., Keller, and Y. Wang (2010). Risk Analysis, 30(10), 1572-1589. 4. “When East Meets West: An Exploratory Study on Chinese Outbound Tourists’ Travel Expectations,” with Li, X., C. Lai, R. Harrill, S. Kline (2011). Tourism Management, 32, 741-749. 5. “Outcome, Time and Risk Differ Similarly Between Joint and Single Evaluations,” with Hsee, C.K., J. Zhang, and S. Zhang (2013). Journal of Consumer Research, 40(1), 172-184. 6. “Discounting over Subjective Time: Subjective Time Perception Helps Explain Multiple Discounted Utility Anomalies,” with Y. Wang and R. Keller (2015). International Journal of Research in Marketing, 32 (4), 445-448. 7. “How Does Environmental Irresponsibility Impair Corporate Reputation? A Multi-Method Investigation” with Lin, H, S. Zeng, H. Zou and H. Ma (2016), Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental Management, 23, 413-423. 8. “Trust Antecedents, Trust and Online Microsourcing Adoption: An Empirical Study from the Resource Perspective,” with BZ, Lu, T. Zhang, and R. Keller (2016), Decision Support System, 85, 104-114. 9. “Thinking Styles Affect Reactions to Brand Crisis Apologies,” with S. Wang and R. Keller, J. Li (2016), European Journal of Marketing Vol. 50 Iss 7/8, 1263 – 1289
荣誉 邵喆阳与翟志群奖教金上海交通大学“三八红旗手” 上海市“曙光”学者 《营销科学学报》优秀评审专家 上海交大“优秀教师”奖 上海市“浦江”人才 美国市场协会(AMA)Sheth基金 Consortium Fellow 美国消费者研究协会(ACR)最佳论文奖 |
地址:上海市徐汇区华山路1954号新建楼 邮箱:ciug@sjtu.edu.cn 电话:021-62934788 邮编:200030
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